
Quality Policy of Marks Incorporation®

Quality is our path towards constant improvement.
All Departments  in the MARKS INCORPORATION pursue the goals

Towards our customers:

  • Perfect products and good Service
  • Technological leadership through innovative solutions
  • Reach highest customer benefit and highest customer satisfaction
  • Review the risks, realization of opportunities and safety requirements
Towards our suppliers:
  • Fair, long-term and cooperative partnership
  • Success of both partners through a high performance level
  • Recognition and joint development of the requirements of the interested parties (these include customers, consumers, employees, insurance companies, banks, authorities, legislatures, etc.)
Towards our employees:
  • Promote the entrepreneurial thinking
  • Cooperation between all divisions to achieve common goals
  • Cultivate a cooperative leadership
  • Understand the importance of quality and security aspects
Towards our interested parties:
  • Develop products by taking due account of currently applicable legal regulations and standards
  • Resource-saving production
  • Open dialogue with our interested parties to the context of our organization (this means the consideration of the environment of the companies on internal and external issues that are relevant for the business, strategy, goals and results)
For our processes and products:
  • Quality target zero—defect quality
  • Error prevention instead of error detection
  • Increase the performance by a stable network of selected suppliers
The Management gives the order to all sites, areas and employees to bring the Integrated Management System to life, to use it consequently, to monitor and adjust it to the latest knowledge.