Develop Environmental Awareness and Live.
All departments in the Marks Incorporation pursue the goal of
Towards our customers:
- Flawless products in compliance with legal regulations and requirements
- Technological leadership through innovative, environmentally conscious readings
- Reviewing the risks and opportunities related to the environmental performance of our products
- Implementation of environmental and safety requirements and standards
Towards our suppliers:
- Fair and cooperative cooperation in the implementation of environmental requirements
- Joint further development of environmental standards
Towards our employees:
- Encouraging entrepreneurial action
- Cooperation of all areas to achieve common goals
- Maintaining a cooperative leadership style
- Communicating the importance of environmental and safety aspects
Towards our environment:
- Development of environmentally friendly products in compliance with applicable standards, legal conditions and of the binding obligations
- Resource-conserving manufacturing processes
- Open dialogue with our stakeholders and interested parties on environmental issues
For our processes and products:
- Environmental goal zero defects
- Error avoidance is the cause of error detection
- Increase performance through a stable network of selected suppliers.
The management awards the contract to all the offices, divisions and employees that are integrated management system with life to fill, consistently apply, to monitor and to adapt it to the latest findings.